Service level objectives: What to expect from GC Notify

GC Notify’s interface is fast

When you use GC Notify, your load time is affected by:

  • How fast your internet provider transmits to and from other websites.
  • GC Notify’s speed as you interact with our website interface or API. 

GC Notify does its part within 200 milliseconds most of the time, and within 400 milliseconds almost all of the time.

GC Notify sends messages quickly

After you select “Send”, we transmit:

  • Password resets, two-factor authentication (2FA) and information to access government sites:  Within 20 seconds most of the time, and within 60 seconds almost all of the time.
  • Other messages: Most within 30 minutes, and almost all within 45 minutes. This includes messages with attachments. Large information blasts, such as newsletters, generally take more than 45 minutes.

When you schedule to send later, we usually transmit within 1 hour of the time selected. The maximum delay is 3 hours after your selected time.

Your messages may be in transit longer if we’re dealing with urgent messages or an unusually high volume. If your message does not show as “in transit” after 5 hours, contact us.

As soon as GC Notify gets delivery information, we share it with you

Most messages show as “Delivered” within 5 minutes after you select “Send”.
Almost all show as “Delivered” within 10 minutes after you select “Send”.
We keep these delivery records for 1 month. 

Factors beyond our control could affect messages in transit. For example, we cannot control your internet provider’s speed. But even after GC Notify transmits your message, we may be able to help. If there’s no delivery receipt after 3 days, contact us.

To check our current operations, incidents, and service interruptions, visit GC Notify’s System status page.

Last updated: January 25, 2024